Whisper or loud gestures?

The elephant whisper and Natu Natu song are awarded the Oscar that made every Indian proud.

The opposition benches were eager to mention loudly not whisper  that the Oscar could come from southern India and were sarcastic in their statements intentionally.

Before this Mother India and Lagan had gone up to the final but could not make it.

The point here is that the glorious and remarkable achievement and the covative stage of Oscar is not every day’s celebration and whomsoever has been the creator and director of these two are worthy of praise subsequently the Indians at large have got the recognition and the nation inida’s achievement is celebration for all the Indians and the nation India.

Limiting this achievement to only southern part of India as mentioned by LOP in the parliament should be seen as immature statement and moreover the further remark of the ex-Minister Jai  Ram Ramesh that he looks forward that the remarks made by Kharge shall not be expunged from the records while the truth is that the remarks are worth expunging only

Malikarjun Kharge attributed the success and celebrations to southern India and mentioned that he hopes that the PM shall not claim that the Direction and the lyrics of the song Natu Natu are his brain child.

The immature and irresponsible, the comment could be mentioned ,yet this is serious that such senior leaders too behave absolute partial and infer the regional success not a nation’s success in an event that has brought the shining name to the nation India.

This is to be remembered here that in none occasion before this during Mother India’s nomination and Lagan;s nomination o one tried to claim and asked for the credit to the northern India as the story of both the films were based at the northern India.

The kind of the politicking that goes on currently often leaves an impression that it is right that our people’s representatives have lost their common sense and etiquettes of civilian life.

Having understood the parliamentarians and unparliamentariness since these long years parliament life must have been quite exhaustive and calls for mature statements and behaviors from all the treasure benches and the opposition yet exactly the same is only not taking up.

The arguments under the name of debates that goes on with the TV Channels and appears like the cat fight from either side the adamancy on the issues and the defending the leader under any circumstances makes these debates mockery of the discussion, often appearing like roadside quarrel.

Not early but a true and good sign for democracy the gradual diminishing of which is often mentioned by the treasury benches and the opposition one after another.

Seventy years is too long a period and the parliamentarians should have behaved in tune and the status required of the parliamentary discussions not that what we witness every now and then and feel ashamed of .

Time is now that since now we must ensure the standard and fruitfulness of these discussions that are the obvious need of the democratic set up and wecan not behave oblivious of the same on account of the vested interests and vested presentation for the short term gains even at the cost of the nation’s pride.

- Sunil S Okhade

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