MP: Ladli Bahna Scheme’s next installment likely on Friday

MP: Ladli Bahna Scheme’s next installment likely on Friday

BHOPAL [Maha Media]: Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav will release the 20th installment of Rs 1,250 to 1.29 crore Ladli sisters on January 10. It is learnt form the reliable sources that officials are being asked to fulfill the formalities regarding the same.

The letters have been issued to the District Program Officer. The said letters direct concerned officials to complete the paper work by January 8, so that seamless transfer of amount can be done to every Ladli Bahna’s account on the date. Earlier, defusing allegations of Opposition and people’s apprehension, Chief Minister Dr Mohan Yadav has made a big announcement regarding the Ladli Bahna Scheme.

On this, the CM said “we are completely firm on our promise and will take every possible step for the sisters”. The CM said that the process of expanding the scheme and increasing the amount is in the final stage. Soon its formal announcement will be made and the sisters will start getting an amount of Rs 3,000. The scheme is being termed as game-changer and credited with major factor behind BJP’s returned to power in the State. due to which BJP made a strong comeback to power. 

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