TM opens door to all possibilities: Brahamchari Girish Ji

TM opens door to all possibilities: Brahamchari Girish Ji

PRAYAGRAJ [Maha Media]: Life is not a struggle or full of sorrow; it is bliss. Transcendental Meditation can help us unlock new possibilities. Brahmachari Girish Ji, a devoted disciple of Maharishi, shared these thoughts at a press conference today during Maha Kumbh. He explained that Maharishi Ji taught a simple, natural, and scientific method of Transcendental Meditation, which is a practical application of Vedic knowledge.

Practicing Transcendental Meditation for just twenty minutes each morning and evening can bring many physical and mental benefits. These benefits include peace of mind, reduced stress, better concentration, and a sense of invincibility. Brahmachari Ji noted that the idea of war begins in the minds of a few people, and a stressed mind can reinforce these thoughts, putting societies and nations at risk of conflict.

He also said that the issues we see around the world today can be addressed using Maharishi Ji's techniques, which can purify our consciousness and reduce negativity.

Brahmachari Girish Ji recounted his experience teaching Transcendental Meditation to soldiers from two countries on the verge of war. After learning of the practice, both armies returned to their bases without fighting.

Now, we should all commit to increasing the number of people practicing Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programs. Let’s help every citizen of India and the world—especially the youth—be stress-free, prosperous, and strong, keeping them away from the horrors of war. This commitment will honor Maharishi Ji on this important day of Maha Kumbh.

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